Anemia in Peritoneal Dialysis Patients: a Cohort Study of RTDT (Tuscany Registry of Dialysis and Transplantation)


• Prevalence in PD vs HD

   –Predictors in PD and HD

• Impact of anemia on survival in PD and HD patients

• Iron markers in PD and HD

• ESAs  use in PD



–ESAs hyporesponsiveness in PD (and HD)


• PD patients more frequently experienced Hb levels>10g/dl than HD patients (fig.1)

• The relationship between mortality and levels of HB and ESA dose and mortality is much less strict in PD  than in HD (fig.1-2)

• The iron therapy is practiced in a minority of patients (fig.2)

• Ferritin levels are much lower than in  HD patients (inflammation?) with comparable levels of TSAT (fig.3)

• The patterns of iron treatment used in HD cannot necessarily be the same in PD (fig.4)

• The percentage of patients receiving ESAs is significantly lower in PD than in HD. Both in PD and HD, this percentage is increasing over time (fig.5)

• The sensitivity to ESAs is about 40% higher in PD compared to HD and predictors of responsiveness  are not always the same in the two groups (fig.5-6)